Monday, February 12, 2018

Track 3 - Hong Kong - HK Island - God Be With You Till We Meet Again Papa Frischknecht !

Hello family and friends!
Salut la famille et les amis(e)!

We had a great week mostly because of temple day and our visitor.
Nous avons eu une excellente semaine, particulièrement grâce au Temple et à notre visiteur.

I am dying with the cold here my companion is kind of making fun of me because its not as cold as it is in utah but well if you are from tahiti, you can relate!
Je crève de froid et ma compagne se moque un peu de moi parce qu'il ne fait pas aussi froid qu'à Utah, mais bon, ceux de TAHITI peuvent me comprendre!

Wednesday was our temple day, we went for the 11:00am session, our session was in cambodian because members and couple missionaries from cambodia were with us. i felt so much love from my heavenly father, i felt like i was litteraly in his presence.
Mercredi, on a eu Temple, on a ete a la session de 11h, en Cambodgien parce que les membres et les couples missionnaires presents etaient du Cambodge. J'ai ressenti tellement d'amour de la part de mon Pere Celeste, j'avais l'impression d'etre veritablement en sa presence.

After temple, we were traveling home (train) when my companion handed me the phone. it was a nice member who was announcing me the death of tyson's dad, of course i cried and my companion asked me if i was okay and i was okay! some people were looking at me because i had tears in my eyes there was one lady, she could not stop looking at me but then before we needed to change train i saw her with tears in her eyes, i looked at her and asked her how she was feeling, she said she was okay, smiled at me and got out of the train. you probably think that nothing big happened but at that moment she helped me feel better and i probably did the same for her. i don't know the reason why she cried neither why after that i felt better.
Apres le Temple, nous avons pris le train pour rentrer et ma compagne m'a donne le telephone. C'etait une membre tres gentille qui m'annoncait que le papa de Tyson venait de deceder, j'ai bien sur pleure et ma compagne m'a demande si j'allais bien et je lui ai dit que ca allait. Quelques personnes dans le train me regardaient parce que je pleurais, l'une d'entre elle n'arretait pas de me regarder et juste avant de changer de train, j'ai vu que elle aussi avait les larmes aux yeux, je l'ai regarde et lui ai demande si ca allait, elle m'a repondu que oui, m'a souri et nous sommes sorties du train. Vous vous direz peut etre qu'il n'y avait la rien de special mais a ce moment la, elle m'a aide a me sentir mieux et peut etre que c'etait reciproque. Je ne sais pas pourquoi elle a pleure pas plus que je ne sais pourquoi apres je me suis sentie mieux.

On friday, we were with brother zou, he came down with his wife (member for a quite long time). we taught him all the lessons (he already knew a lot ). we had some stuffs that did not go the way we planned but he was able to get baptize that night around 8:00, elder rostedt and paul were the supporting crew, so elder rostedt baptized him and elder paul confirmed. tao dixiong was here to help too.
Vendredi, nous etions avec Fr Zou, il est venu avec sa femme (elle, membre depuis un certain moment deja). On lui a enseigne toutes les lecons (ils savaient deja beaucoup de choses). Beaucoup de choses ne se sont pas passees comme prevu mais il a pu se faire baptiser cette nuit la aux environs de 20h, elder Rostedt et elder Paul etait l'equipe de choc pour nous aider, le baptiseur elder Rostedt et elder Paul pour la confirmation. Fr Tao etait la aussi pour nous aider.

Sorry today i am pretty short on time. i love you all, have a great week!
Desolee un peu a la bourre aujourd'hui. Je vous aime, passez une bonne semaine!

Sister colombel.

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