Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Hong Kong - Kowloon - Track 12 - I am a Mom now !

Hello everyone, i don't have a lot of time today. i have received some good and surprising news today. i am happy to see that everyone is doing good, and especially super happy to see that the faith of those i love and cherish is growing or is even still exciting.
Salut tout le monde.
Je n'ai pas beaucoup de temps aujourd'hui. J'ai recu de bonnes et d'etonnantes nouvelles aujourd'hui.
Je suis contente de voir que tout le monde va bien et aussi tres heureuse de voir que la Foi de ceux que j'aime et cherit grandit ou est toujours belle et bien presente.

It started to get colder this week, so people started to wear sweaters, jackets and so do i...
Il a commence a faire plus froid cette semaine et les gens commencent a mettre des pulls, manteaux et moi aussi...

I guess you've already watched the ''transfer'' video, so yeah i am training and my trainee is siter dodge from lehi, utah. she is super nice, she likes to talk so i guess i need to talk more, that's good!!!
I am trying to be the niciest companion and help her do missionary work.
Je pense que vous avez deja vu la video des transferts, alors oui, je suis formatrice et ma "fille" est Sr Dodge, elle vient de Lehi/Utah et elle est Super!!!
Elle aime parler alors je crois que je vais devoir faire un effort pour parler d'avantage et ce n'est pas plus mal...

My email this week will be really short. but i love you all.
please pray for us as the area has been splited with the other sisters and we only have 2 to 3 investigators. we no longer teach miko, i'm quite sad but sister grover and sister lee are taking good care of her.
Mon courriel de cette semaine sera vraiment court, mais sachez que je vous aime tous.
S'il vous plait, on a besoin de vos Prieres, notre secteur a ete divise avec deux autres Soeurs Mandarin, donc nous n'avons plus wue 2 voire 3 amies et je n'enseigne plus Miko, je suis un peu triste mais je sais qu'elle est entre de bonnes mains avec Sr Grover er Sr Lee.

I love you all.

Je vous aime.

Hong Kong - Kowloon - Track 11 - I'll Train...Pray For Me

Hello all!
this week the weather was super weird, but it was cooler so that's good because it was super hot plus the humidity i thought i will die, we are so sweaty .... not comfortable! yesterday was cold, 21c and a typhoon 8 so we stayed inside the whole day but we had a lot to do with next week new assignments and the next 3 months challenges for me.

So this week, we are receiving 28 new missionaries both cantonese and mandarin. in this 28 we have 3 new mandarin sisters.
I was the last mandarin sisters who joined almost a year ago. it was time for us to receive more sisters because as for today, we are 6 mandarin sisters in the whole mission, two are leaving next week and my actual companion is leaving in december.
So without any surprise i am going to train one of the new sisters and remain in the area i am at right now, and sister grover with her companion will kind of open the 2nd kowloon mandarin sisters, so we are still serving in the same area and branch.
(inutile de sous dire que je stress ...)

We did not have anything special this week, only that heavenly father once again helped me to overcome some of the trials and challenges i was facing. i received strength and guidance even when i did not know how to deal with it, but he was there in every steps ...

Sorry i did not have a lot of time today but i love you all, i am still alive and more than ever...
Pray for me to be the best trainer for my new companion and pray so that we can help a lot in our area and branch.

bye bye

Sister colombel

Hong Kong _ Kowloon - Track 10 - Midi Autumn Festival

Hello everyone,
how was your week!
we've been so blessed this past week with temple and general conference but also different things that i 've learned.

First of all, i am so grateful to my heavenly father for his love for me and for all his children.
last weekend for us, and a weekend ago for most of you with general conference.
some of the speakers reminded us how important these gatherings are for all the saints but also everyone who might have listen to general conference.
Actually i cannot share which talks were my favorites because i don't have a super good memory but i could relate a lot with some of them since i am on my mission, its with a lot of excitement that i was waiting for this opportunity to hear our prophets, so i prepared myself spiritually with questions related to both the now and the future.
I was surprised by listening carefully and taking notes, to receive answers or guidance.
i payed attention to all the speakers testimony about the reality of our savior, jesus christ, or the book of mormon. and the spirit was here to again testify of these truthfulnesses...

So the past week, on monday we were invited by a member from the kwun tong ward and their elders to eat ''hotpot'' for the ''mid autumn festival''.
i then learned one of the mission rule about ''hot pot''...
we ate a lot and went home with more moon cake.

On tuesday, we had our district meeting after mlc with our mission leaders. and on the evening we went to the kwai feng english class with miko, our golden investigator. after we shared a message with her and she received a baptism goal, november 19. (please pray for her so she will be ready for that day, thank you so much!)

On wednesday it was our temple day, we went to the 9 am session, i had a splendid time in the house of our lord.

On thursday, it was holiday so no school, no work and no one wanted to schedule us except viviane, tipping and her mom, xiao jiemei and zhang popo.
xia jiemei invited us to eat ''dim sum'', it was super good.

On friday, it was elder hayden birthday, the members brought something for him during our correlation meeting.

And finally on saturday and sunday, we had general conference.
on sunday evening we ate with some philipino sisters with elder chin and sheik, elder garcia and yang, and us.

Ok i don't have a lot of time but i love everyone. have a great week.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Hong Kong - Kowllon - Track 9 - I've Found You My Friend

Hello everyone, before reading Bao jm past week, as her mother I would like to share a strong feeling I have...
My daughter has always been touched by the story of the 2 pre-mortal friends, one who will belong to the Church of JC of Lds while on the earth and the other not, and the lds one promised his friend he'll find him on earth and return to their Heavenly mantion...
There is a song me and her often sang entitled in french "Je te trouverai..."
With Gratitude in my heart, I have the strong felling Sr Colombel and Miko were friends in the pre-mortal life and that is why she has been called to serve in the China Hong Kong Mission...

Bonjour a tous..
Avant que vous lisiez les experiences de Sr Bao d'il y a 2 semaines, je voudrais vous partager mon ressenti.
Ma fille a toujours ete touchee par l'histoire des 2 amis qui ont vecu ensemble avant de venir sur Terre, l'un serait Membre de l'Eglise de JC des SDJ sur Terre et l'autre pas. Le membre fit la promesse a son ami qu'une fois sur Terre, il le retrouverait et retournerai un jour ensemble dans leur demeure celeste...
Ma fille et moi aimons chanter ensemble:" je te trouverai..."
Avec beaucoup de gratitude dans mon coeur, j'ai le profond sentiment que Sr Colombel et Miko etaient amies dans la Vie-premortelle et que c'est la raison pour laquelle, elle a ete appelee a servir dans la mission de Hong Kong Chine.

Hello ''da jia''!
so today is not my p-day, we are having our p-day on wednesday, it is our '' temple day'', i am so excited. we are blessed because this week, we are going to the temple and we also have general conference.
Alors, ce n'est pas notre p-day, nous l'aurons mercredi, parce que nous allons au Temple. J'ai trop hate!!!
En fait, cette semaine, nous sommes carrément bénis parce qu'en plus du Temple, nous visionnerons la Conférence Générale.

i hope everyone has learned something from this general conference, i've actually prepared myself 3 months ago, and i think you are all so lucky to be able to rewatch it again as long as you want. well i guess that will be my invitation to everyone to watch it again personaly, as a family during family home evening or any other time. take advantage of every means heavenly father gave us because all he wants is our happiness and success not only now but for eternity and only the gospel can provide this. i am so grateful to have a loving heavenly father, who cares so much for me that he gave me and his children a way to return to live with him someday, so don't take the gospel for granted it's the only thing that will save us.
i am especially so grateful for the blessings i have both in my mission and back home.
J'espère que chacun aura appris quelque chose pendant cette Conférence Générale.
Personnellement, je me prépare depuis 3 mois et je pense que vous avez tous trop de la chance de pouvoir re-visionner ces Discours autant que vous le souhaitez.
Donc, voilà mon invitation à tous, de les écouter à nouveau, personnellement, en famille, en Soirée Familiale ou à n'importe quel moment...
Prenons en considération tous les moyens qui nous sont donnés par notre Père Céleste parce que son seul désir est que nous soyons heureux et que nous réussissions non seulement dans cette vie mais pour l'éternité.
Et cela ne peut s'obtenir qu'à travers l'évangile...
Je suis tellement reconnaissante d'avoir un Père Céleste qui se souci tellement de moi et de ses enfants qu'il nous a donné un moyen pour pouvoir retourner vivre avec lui un jour, alors ne mettant pas l'évangile de côté, c'est la seule chose qui nous sauvera.
Et je suis particulièrement reconnaissante pour les bénédictions que j'ai tant dans ma mission que chez moi.

this week we were blessed with 2 new investigators: wang jiemei the one i met on the mtr 3 weeks ago and miko who was brought by a member from the wan chai branch, she is ''golden''. one of them was expected but the other one was not. the first time, i saw miko, i felt super weird, you know the kind of feling seeing an old friend, the connection is super easy, you feel good and comfortable around this person....
Cette semaine, nous avons été bénies avec 2 nouvelles amies: wang jiemei que j'ai abordé dans le mtr, il y a 3 semaines et Miko qui est accompagnée par une membre de la Branche de Wan Chai, et elle est "en or"...
Pour l'une c'était prévisible mais l'autre pas...
La première fois que j'ai vu Miko, je me suis sentie Bizarre...Vous voyez cette impression de retrouver un vieil ami avec qui le courant passe tout de suite et vous vous sentez bien et à l'aise en sa presence...

yesterday, during the sacrament meeting i shared my testimony which seemed mostly for her because like most of our investigators, people don't know why jesus christ, who he is and what is their relationship with him. also after the 3hours of church, we had our first official lesson with her about prayer . after the opening prayer she was crying and hugged us, i was also crying during the prayer, reflecting on my feelings, i had a lot of thoughts such as ''oh i think she might be a ''pre mortal life'' friend''... i felt so much love for her, i really have the desire to help her, i share the same feelings like the sons of mosiah in mosiah 28:3 : '' or, ils desiraient que le salut fut annonce a toute la creation, car ils ne pouvaient supporter qu'une seule ame humaine ne perisse..'' (don't get me wrong, i have the same feelings everyday for everyone i meet here!).
Hier, lors de la Réunion de Témoignage, en rendant le mien, mes pensées étaient tournées vers elle car comme nombreux de nos investigateurs, ils ne savent pas pourquoi Jesus-Christ, ni qui il est et leur rapport avec lui.
Après, les 3 heures, nous avons eu notre première leçon officielle avec elle qui portait sur la Priere..
Apres la priere d'ouverture, elle pleurait et nous a prise dans ses bras.. durant la priere, j'etais aussi en train de pleurer en ayant dans le coeur ce sentiment special dont j'ai parle tant tot, de nombreuses idees me sont venues comme:" peut etre etions nous de grandes amies dans la Vie Pre-mortelle..., j'ai ressenti enormement d'amour pour elle et je suis envahie d'un profond desir de l'aider, je partage les memes sentiments que les fils de Mosiah dans Mosiah 28:3 " or, ils desiraient que le Salut fut annonce a toute la Creation, car ils ne pouvaient supporter qu'une seule ame humaine ne perisse". (Ne vous meprenez pas, j'eprouve ces memes sentiments chaque jours pour tous ceux que je rencontre ici)

anyway so this week, on monday night we had an international zone devotional, with some missionaries from vietnam they were here for a week (visa stuffs), we talked about our goals, the past transfer and this transfer goals.
Sinon, pour cette semaine, lundi soir, on a eu un devotional avec la zone internationale, avec des Missionnaires du Vietnam qui etaient la durant une semaine (Visa...), on a parle de nos buts pour le transfert precedent et de celui ci.

on tuesday, we had district meeting, we gave a training about ''unity'', we had super fun activities for the training. in the evening we were invited with elder garcia and yang to eat with a member, tan jiemei.
Mardi, on a eu Reunion de District, on a donne une formation sur l'Unite, avec des activites amusantes.
Le soir, nous avons ete invite avec elder garcia et elder yang a manger avec une membre Tan jm.

on wednesday, we were busy, met with wang jtiemei and first time meeting with miko. thursday, we did food angel, i met a korean i even talked to her, she can speak good mandarin too, i practiced speaking korean with the korean i have left.
Mercredi, on ete tres occupee, on a rencontre wang jm, et notre premiere rencontre avec miko.
Jeudi, on a eu "food angel", j'ai fait la connaissance d'une Coreenne, j'ai discute avec elle, elle parle bien mandarin en plus et j'ai pratique mon Coreen avec le peu dont je me souviennes.

on friday, we were visiting viviane, helped her clean her house and sister grover with jackson essays, in the evening we were invited by a member wan jtiemei, to her office with our branch missionaries. on saturday english class followed by rice crispy activity then a cantonese fed us with the cantonese elders, then in the evening we had our moon festival activity, we made some moon cake, not the traditional!
on sunday, dudu was confirmed.
Vendredi, on a rendu visite a Vivian, on l'a aide a nettoyer sa maison, Sr Grover a aussi aide jackson avec sa redac.
Le soir, on a ete invite par une membre, wan jm a son bureau avec nos missionnaires de la Branche.
Samedi, on a eu Classe d'anglais, suivit par l'activite "Rice Cryspy", puis une membre cantonese nous a nourri avec les elders cantonnais.
Puis le soir, on a eu notre activite festival de la lune, et on a fait des gateaux lune mais pas les traditionnels.
Dimanche a eu lieu la Confirmation de Dudu.

after email, we are going to eat with elder allen and elder riley to sister becky house, hot pot.
Apres le mail, on va manger avec elder allwn et elder riley "hot pot" chez Sr Becky.

love you all, have a great week.
Je vous aime tous, passez une bonne semaine.

sister colombel