Monday, January 8, 2018

Hong Kong - Kowloon - Track 20 - My little christmas miracle...

Merry christmas to all! 
Joyeux Noel a tous!!!

So this morning, we skyped with mom, dad, kai, aloe and rangi (in orem). the connection was not super good but i was so glad to be able to see and hear them.
Alors, ce matin, on a Skype avec maman, papa, Kai'a, Aloe et Rangi (a Orem). La,connection n'etait pas,terrible mais j'etais tellement heureuse de les voir et des les entendre.

the christmas i have here is really different than the one i usually have back home but i thing the biggest thing is food.
So the weirdest thing for me was having a ''breakfast'' christmas dinner (thats what we ate for our christmas zone party) . i don't even know how to call this. anyway!hahaha!
Noel ici est tellement different de ceux que l'on passe chez nous a Tahiti, particulierement en ce qui concerne le ma'a.(repas de Noel)
Donc, la pire des choses a ete d'avoir un petit dej de Noel ( on a fete avec notre zone), donc hahaha!! Je ne sais pas trop comment appeler cela!!!

but i am glad i am having a really special christmas, trying to focus on other people and try to find ways to serve them and make them fell this special christmas spirit.
Mais, je suis reconnaissante de vivre un Noel tres special ou nous nous focalisons sur les personnes en essayant de trouver des moyens de les servir et de leur faire ressentir cet esprit de Noel si special.

i would like to share a pretty funny spiritual experience...
J'aimerai partager une experience spirituelle plutot amusante...

for our zone christmas party, every missionaries had assignments. we were assigned to buy the syrup for the pancake with 100hk$ budget.
Pour notre activite de Noel de la Zone, tous les missionnaires devaient apporter quelque chose, nous devions avec un budget de 100$HK acheter le sirop d'erable pour accompagner les pancakes.

we went to buy the syrup on monday but it was expensive and small.
it was better for us to make it ourselves so we bought the stuffs and on wednesday night we prepared it for the next day.
we poured the water first and it did not seem to be enough, so we poured 10 cups of water + 10 cups of white sugar+ 10 cups of brown sugar.
Nous sommes allees voir les prix lundi mais c'etait trop cher pour la quantite vendue...
Il vallait donc mieux, le faire nous meme et nous avons achete les ingredients et la veille, cad mercredi nous avons prepare le syrup.
Nous avons melange 10 verres d'eau, 10 de sucre, 10 de sucre roux.

we made a lot of syrup, we added the maple essence and vanilla and tasted it, it was straight up water and sugar, it did not taste like syrup, we tried to add stuffs in it but it did not change.
Nous en avons fait une bonne quantite et y avons rajoute de l'essence d'erable et de vanille et avons goute. On sentait bien l'eau sucree mais ca n'avait pas du tout le gout du syrup, et on a rajoute encore d'autres choses mais ca n'a rien change.

my companion took a shower and i was stressing about the syrup but then i decided to pray over the syrup.
in my prayer i shared to heavenly father the situation and talked about the experience when jesus turned the water into vine but i was not asking him to turn the water into syrup but as we already made the syrup following all the instructions we didin't know what else we could do.
i finished my prayer then put the syrup in the fridge without tasting it but i was constantly thinking about it until we had our christmas breakfast.
Pendant que ma compagne se douchait, je restais la, stressee a propos de ce sirop, puis je decide de prier a propos du sirop.
Dans ma priere, j'ai fait part a mon pere celeste de la situation et lui cite la fois ou JC avait change l'eau en vin, je n'ai pas eu la pretention de lui demander de changer cette eau en sirop d'erable mais apres avoir suivit toutes les etapes de la fabrication du sirop, nous ne savions plus quoi faire d'autre.
J'ai termine ma priere, mis le sirop au frigidaire sans y regouter mais avec cette pensee tres forte que quelque chose opere.

i shared this experience with other missionaries but i don't think they really understood ....
after eating it they all said that it was good.
in my heart i knew that it was a miracle.
i know for some people it might seem weird, funny or not big deal but there is a lot i learned form it.
J'en ai parle a quelques missionnaires mais je crois qu'ils n'ont pas compris le truc...
Finalement, tout le monde a apprecie.
Dans mon coeur, je savais qu'il sagissait d'un petit miracle.
Je sais que ca peut paraitre insignifiant mais j'ai beaucoup appris de cette experience.

i want to wish everyone a very merry christmas, i love you all.
Je voudrais vous souhaiter a tous un tres bon Noel, je vous aime.

sister colombel.

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