Friday, March 30, 2018

Track 10 - Hong Kong - HK Island - I shared the Gospel to a French visitoršŸ˜Š

hello all! 

early today, we went on a hike in lei tung, its my second time going there we went with the tagalog speaking sisters (apartment mates) then email. this afternoon we will go around sheug wan to look for some stuff then at 4;30 its harry's baptism (the elders' investigator) finaly tonight with the elders we are invited at the dai's.

i will just tell you this week highlights:
wednesday morning, with the elders and relief society sisters we had book of mormon study in a park in sheug wan then went to eat ''dim sum'' together.

thursday afternoon, we met with zi yu and genice we bake pumpkin pie then at 7:00 we had our branch sport activity we are learning to play basket ball.

friday, we met with molly with the senior couple we tried last week to extend a baptismalŠ¹ goal but then on thursday she texted to tell us that her mom said no! but she said that she is going to pray for her mom she really wants to get baptized, please people pray for molly's mom so her heart can be soften and let molly get baptised.

sunday, after our church we went to help the tagalog sisters and we were supposed to have a lesson at 5 but i cancelled it because my stomach hurted so badly it was weird but then we stayed there and i understood the reason why we cancelled the lesson and stayed at the chapel its because while we were inside the church building a vistor from france came in and i was the only one to be able to communicate with him, so i shared with him about the restoration but saddly as i wanted to find a book of mormon in frencg there was none so we invited him to download the gospel app. he gave us his informations so we will send his informations to the missionnaries in france. he was so humble.

thats all for the week. love you all!

sister colomvbel


Track 9 - Hong Kong - HK Island - ".... we learn to appreciate these moments because they are rare"

Hello all!

so at the beggining of the past week, i was sick it started with my throat, then running nose, headache. it was not really the good time to get sick. actually mission is not a good time to get sick!!!. but we were able to still work hard and i felt that the lord blessed us.

on tuesday, we could not schedule any lessons so we had 3 to 4 hours of finding. when we first started we did not have any success but then in my heart i was constantly praying and also telling heavenly father that he knows how sick i was but i was still working hard for him so he needed to help us. and so 30 mins before we planned on going back to our apartment, we were walking when we heard a mom and her son speaking mandarin, we stopped and talked to them we talked about english class and then she asked us what we were doing here in hong kong speaking mandarin, she saw that we were working for jesus christ (she does not know a lot about him but she alreardy heard the name), we introduced to her the purpose of our work, the church and shared with her a little bit about the gospel how it related to her and how it can help her, we exchanged numbers to be able to reschedule them. her name is xie ( xiexie= thank ).

on friday, we met with molly (our amazing investigator), she is so ready. we asked the senior couple missionnaries (the holmstead were recently assigned to our wan chai mandarin branch, they came to hong kong 2 weeks ago, they were called to be in charge of less actives but coming here they also wanted to help us with her lessons so they came and help, it was great. when we first started she said she wanted to offer the opening prayer then she wanted to share the experience she has had last week with the book of mormon, she was late for school and missed the bus she was supposed to take and the next one was supposed to come 20 mins after but what was her surprise when she started reading the book of mormon while waiting for the next bus, the bus she was waiting for came only a few minutes after. she was so happy sharing her experience with us. we taught her about the gospel of jesus christ and baptism, we invited her to pray about a baptismalŠ¹ goal and so this friday we are going to discuss about a baptismalŠ¹ goal. you have no idea how happy and grateful we are to have her. we learn to appreciate those moments because they are rare.

this past week, we contacted our investigators they dont really have time but i am always happy to talk to them to laught and everything. i love them even when somtimes its fustrating.

this past saturday, we celebrated the rs birthday it was great we went to the peak to a park somewhere we ate some snacks had some questions-answers game then we went hiking.

yesterday, we were helping the tagalog speaking sisters we got to know rheir investiagtors april and extended a baptismalŠ¹ date for april 29th. we spent our whole day at church. 9 to 12 was mandarin branch then 12;30 to 130 the elders investigator baptism, kate. 1:30 to 6;30 we were with sister salangad on a tripanionship and celebrated the rs anniversary with the sisters too.

ok its time love you all.

sister colombel

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Track 8 - Hong Kong - HK Island - "We rejoice when we see the success of our brethren"

Hello all!
Salut a tous! 

With my companion we are doing great, we are getting use to each other. she tries to understand who i am but she still cannot really figure out but its interesting to see how all of my companion (i had 10 different companions during my mission) were so different and how you learn so much from them but also from what you experienced with them.
Avec ma compagne, on va tres bien, et on apprend a se connaitre, elle essaye de comprendre qui je suis mais elle n'y parvient pas vraiment et c'est interessant de voir comment toutes mes compagnes (j'ai eu 10 compagnes differentes durant ma mission) etaient toutes differentes les unes des autres et a quel point on peut apprendre de chacunes d'elles et aussi a travers ce qu'on a pu vivre ensemble.

The past week was again a pretty hard week for us, i dont know how many times we spent finding or calling. i will be honest with you, i've lost a little bit of hope but then as i was pondering i thought about how other missionaries in the mission are blessed. even thought we are working hard and dont see the blessings ourselves, we rejoice when we see the success of our ''brethren''. and we all rejoice in christ.
La semaine passee a encore ete tres difficile pour nous, je ne peux meme pas enumerer le nombre de fois ou nous avons fait du "finding" ou avons appele. Je serai honnette avec vous, dans mon despespoir, je me suis mise a penser a nos collegues missionnaires qui eux etaient benis. Malgre que nous travaillons tres dur et ne voyons pas les benedictions, nous nous rejouissons lorsque nous voyons que nos elders ou autres Soeurs rencontrent plus de succes que nous. Et nous nous rejouissons tous en Christ.

I am learning to focus on christ because instead of being desperate even after giving your best effort nothing really happen but you keep your hope, faith and you move forward.
it is also helping me to be grateful for the small blessings we receive.
J'apprends a garder l'oeil fixe sur le Christ, au lieu d'etre decue et desesperee apres tous les efforts possibles et imagineables et que pour ainsi dire au bout du compte le succes n'est pas au rendez-vous, et bien, on garde l'Espoir, la Foi et on va de l'avant.
Cela m'aide aussi a etre reconnaissante pour les petites benedictions que nous recevons.

So last monday, we went finding as we were walking back to take the train home we met three friends (mens), they were walking around and they were speaking mandarin so we started to talk to them as we were walking and the discussion lead to a discussion about the plan of salvation and the importance of christ in the plan, they remained so quiet, i felt the spirit so strongly but then at the end they still did not have interest to learn more about our message but we gave them a plan of salvation pamphlet and a flyer with our phone number.
Alors, lundi dernier, on a fait du finding tout en marchant pour prendre le train pour rentrer et on a fait la connaissance de 3 hommes, ils se trouvaient par la et discutaient en mandarin du coup, on a commence a leur parler tout en marchant et nous avons abouti sur le Plan de salut et l'importance du Christ dans ce plan, ils etaient tres receptifs, j'ai ressenti tres fort la presence de l'esprit mais a la fin de la discussion, ils n'etaient pas desireux d'en savoir plus sur notre message, nous leur avons donne des brochures sur le plan de salut et un prospectus avec notre numero de vini.

Tonight we have a meeting with all the missionaries and elder and sister Stevenson, elder and sister Christensen and bishop and sister causse...
Ce soir, nous avons Reunion speciale de toute la mission avec elder Stevenson et son epouse, elder et Sr Christensen et Bishop Causse et son epouse...

sorry this week email is short.
Desolee, ma lettre pour cette semaine n'est pas longue.

i love you all!
Je vous aime tous!

sister colombel

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Track 7 - Hong Kong - HK Island - Sherry got baptized... and when you feel the Lord is by your side ....

Hello all!

The past week was pretty hard for me, i was super tired its been a long time since i haven't felt that tired in my mission. but i was strenghtened emotionaly, physically and spiritually by the lord. sometimes i was feeling exhausted but i joyfully went and work because i felt the lord by my side.

Salut a tous!

La semaine passee a ete assez difficile pour moi, j'etais super fatiguee, cela faisait longtemps depuis le debut de ma mission que je n'avais ete aussi epuisee. J'ai cependant ete renforcee emotionnellement, physiquement et spirirituellement par le Seigneur. Il y avait des moments de depassement mais j'allais et je travaillais parce que je sentais le Seigneur a mes cotes.

Also this week one of our investigators dropped us, i was really sad because i really love her and i know how much she needs the gospel right now, we will contact them to know how she and her daughter are doing.

Pour couronner le tout, une de nos amies nous a laisse tomber, j'ai ete tres attristee parce que je l'aime beaucoup et je sais a quel point elle a besoin de l'Evangile a ce moment precis, on les appellera pour savoir comment elle et sa fille vont.

Yesterday, it was really a good thing for me to go to church. i felt a lot of love seeing the members coming to church with their whole families, especially sister lee with her daugther, she was hugging her daugher most of the time.

La chapelle hier m'a fait le plus grand bien. J'ai ressenti un grand amour en regardant les membres venir a l'eglise avec leur famille au complet, en particulier Sr Lee avec sa fille, la plupart du temps, elle faisait des calins a sa fille.

then, i went to share my testimony about heavenly fathers love for us, how happy i am to have the gospel, to personaly know my savior and my heavenly father, their plan for us, and happy to have a savior, to have the atonement because last week i needed it so much. i am so much grateful for my savior, for his infinite love and atonement.

J'ai ensuite, rendu mon temoignage sur l'amour que notre Pere Celeste a pour nous, a quel point je suis reconnaissante d"avoir l'Evangile, de connaitre mon Sauveur personnellement ainsi que mon Pere Celeste, pour leur plan pour nous, la Joie d'avoir un Sauveur, d'avoir l'Expiation parce que la semaine d'avant j'en avais tellement besoin, je ne peux pas exprimer ma gratitude pour mon Sauveur, pour son amour infini et son Sacrifice Expiatoire.

Yesterday, we were able with president authorisation to go to kowloon to attend ''sherly'''s baptism (sherry) if you go back to my older weekly emails you will see her name... yes... when i first got on my mission we started teaching her, so yesterday she finally entered into the waters of baptism. i was so happy to see her and hear her testimony, eventhough it took her a long time she is so great and willing now! also, she had a bunch of non member friends that came to her baptism and i think they are next (haha!!)

Hier, avec la permission de Pdt, on a pu assister au bapteme de Sherry, si vous retournez a mes 1ers emails, vous saurez de qui je parle, en effet, au debut lorsque je suis arrivee, nous l'avons enseigne et hier elle est enfin entre dans les eaux du bapteme.

J'etais tellement heureuse de la voir et de l'entendre temoigner. Malgre le temps que ca lui a pris, elle est tellement disposee et superbe maintenant! En plus, elle avait tout un groupe d'amie qui sont venues a son bapteme, ok!, je pense qu'elles sont les prochaines (haha!!)

last tuesday, we went to visit an investiagtor (first time) we were able to meet her husband and daughter. they were so nice, the husband is from hong kong but he can speak mandarin and english a little bit, he cooked for us. we talked about the church, missionary work... they were so amazed!!! they taught us a little bit of cantonese, we invited them to come for church but they had some friends coming to visit them so could not come.

Mardi dernier, nous sommes allees voir un ami (premiere rencontre) nous avons pu voir son epoux et sa fille. Ils etaient tellement gentils, le mari est originaire de Hong Kong mais il sait parler Mandarin et un peu anglais, c'est lui qui a cuisine pour nous. On a parle de l'Eglise, du travail missionnaire... ils etaient emerveilles!!! Ils nous ont appris quelques trucs en Cantonais et on les a invite a venir a la chapelle mais des amis a eux devaient venir leur rendre visite...

on wednesday we had book of mormon study at scott's house with the relief society sisters and the elders. in the evening with the elders we visited li jm and her daugter, sunny.

on thursday, we had food angel with our distrist then in the evening we met with janice then attended sports night.

Le mercredi, on a fait etude du Livre de Mormon chez Scott et sa famille avec les Sr de la SDS et les Elders. Et dans la soiree, toujours avec les elders, on a rendu visite a Li jm et sa fille Sunny.

Jeudi, on a eu "Food angel" avec notre District et le soir, on a rencontre Janice et nous sommes rendus a la Soiree Sportive.

thats all for the past week, hope you have enjoyed reading it! love you all!

C'est tout pour la semaine passee, j'espere que vous avez apprecie cette lettre! Je vous aime tous!
