Hello all, this is my last email home.
Salut a tous, ceci est ma derniere lettre en tant que missionnaire.
I actually don't have a lot of time left but i am going to share a little bit about my last week, busy and "heavy"
Je n'ai pas beaucoup de temps qui me reste mais je veux tout de meme vous partager un peu par rapport a la semaine ecoulee, tres remplie, tout comme nos estomacs
First of all, we've had tones of invitation to eat.
Alors deja, on a croule sous les invitations a manger.
Monday we had li wei hua with her daughter sunny, we went with the elders.
Lundi, li wei hua avec sa fikke sunny, accompagnees des elders.
Wednesday after our interview president and sister lam bought our lunch then we had district meeting.
Mercredi, apres mon entrevue de sortie, Pdt et Sr Lam nous ont achete notre dejeuner apres quoi, nous avons eu Reunion de district.
Then in the evening we went to our branch president house.
Le soir nous sommes alles chez notre Pdt de Branche.
Friday, we went to have lunch with wnag jing then at 5 pm sister coker, her husband and friend then at 7pm with the elders we went to visit the elders recent convert.
Vendredi, on a dejeune avec wang jing et a 17h avec Sr Coker, son mari et leur amie et enfin a 19h avec les elders, nous sommes alles visiter leurs convertis recents.we were full dead. Nous etions carrement remplissaturday we had lunch with our branch mission leader and his wife (investigator) then in the evening we visited the liangs. Samedi, on a dejeune avec notre dirigeant missionnaire de Branche et son epouse (amie de l'eglise) et le soir on a visite les liangs. sunday after church, dudu brought us food that we split with the elders and for dinner i was on split with sister slanged with our lovely philippinos sisters we had pizza. Dimanche, apres la chapelle, dudu nous a apporte a manger et on a partage avec les elders et pour le diner, j'etais en split avec Sr Slanged et nos adorablesSr Philippinos, on a mange Pizza.
so the past week, me and sister schade ''on n'a pas chaume'' last night when we reported our goal for the week we were surprised but we really had a miraculous week that we did not really expected. but last night we reported 1 baptismal date, 2 new investigators, 6 people at church.
Alors la semaine passee, avec Sr Schade, on n'a pas chaume. Hier soir, nous avons fais notre rapport de la semaine et Miracle!!! Et a notre agreable surprise, parce qu'on ne s'y attendait pas... 1 date de Bapteme, 2 nouveaux amis, 6 amis(e) ayant assiste aux Reunions dominicales.
yesterday was my last sunday here in hong kong. i was sad but then because our 6 investigators were here, my heart was full of joy i was able to give my last 15 minutes talk in mandarin. i mostly talked about what i've learned during my mission and what i am grateful for. i talked about the importance of the gospel especially for those who want to have an eternal family. i then sing ''i will find you my friend'' both in english and french. when i finished i shared my testimony in french, a lot of people cry eventhough they could not understand. i also had a good time when i went on split with sister slangad the sisters are so sweet. i will miss them. i will actually miss everyone.
Hier, etait mon dernier dimanche ici a Hong Kong. J'etais triste mais nos 6 amis presents m'ont rempli le coeur de Joie. J'ai pu faire mon dernier discours en mandarin, qui a dure 15 mn. J'ai plus parle de ce que j'ai appris en mission et ce dont je suis reconnaissante. J'ai parle de l'importance de l'Evangile et plus particulierement pour ceux qui desirent avoir une Famille Eternelle. J'ai ensuite chante "je te trouverai mon ami(e)" en anglais et en francais. Et j'ai fini en rendant mon temoignage en francais, ils ont ete nombreux a pleurer meme s'ils ne pouvaient (pas comprendre).
J'ai aussi passe un super moment lorsque j'ai ete en split avec Sr Slangad parmi mes Sr Philippinos, elles sont si gentilles. Elles vonte manquer. En fait tout le monde va me manquer.
so thats it for the past week! hope everyone will have a great week! i will see you soon!
Voila donc pour ma semaine.
Je vous souhaite a tous une superbe semaine. Et je vous dis, A bientot!
sister colombel
Belief is the reason we go on a mission. It is the motive for preaching about Christ and sharing/Proclaiming his love. Faith is understanding we are children of God and our Heavenly Father. May this definition of faith bless you in your life. Faith is defined again and because faith has an inherent joy it gives us a solid foundation that we finally have the peace we have been searching for.
ReplyDelete"Many believer's feed themselves on what God hasn't done. When I dwell on what hasn't happened, I create the atmosphere for the spirit of offense to arise and to thrive. When I dwell on what hasn't happened, I legitimize unbelief. I live with a sense of justification, for not believing God.
Faith in the purest sense is the ceasing of resistance. even when there's no physical evidence, when the other evidence is present. Not feeding ourselves on what God hasn't done Faith in it's purest form is the absence of resistance
Heaven is a place where everyone is celebrated, some are more honored but everyone is celebrated. All men and all women shall be judged on the light which they have received. Heaven is a permissible culture. God's nature is eternally permissible. These statements protect us from credit.
Faith in the purest sense is the ceasing of resistance, even when there's no physical evidence, when the other evidence is present. Not feeding ourselves on what God hasn't done. Faith in it's purest form is the absence of resistance. Faith doesn't deny a problems existence, it denies it's influence. He or she was someone whom aridity and desolation never disturbed for he or she had a deeply rooted, and a vigorous faith.
Now we can act as we have always dreamed. Now we can act as we have always been. Now we can step into the light and gather the sunlight instead of blocking out our possibilities. Instead of blocking out our joy. Variety will bloom in/under the sun. We can show off our best, we can enjoy other people's gifts. We can blossom where we stand upon the joy that faith provides us. Upon the joy that faith inherently has, which blossoms the entire field of flowers"
.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDYaxabUfkA - The Definition of Faith
Thank You