Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Track 6- Hong Kong - HK Island - Mom Colombel is here to make sure everything is in order
Hello family and friends!
So last thursday i got my trainee, sister schade from canada. her mandarin is not bad (she took a little bit of chinese before her mission). we don't know each other very much still but we are getting a long pretty well. she is lost but its normal, i felt the same way when i first got here!
also in our apartment we are 6 sisters, it super noisy and messy but mom colombel is here to make sure everything is in order.
This past week, our investigators were still in mainland and a few were back. so we were able to visit zhu jie mei with sister Anderson. we extended a baptismal goal but she did not commit at least not for this time but she said she will eventually get baptized.
molly is also back but pretty busy with school.
on sunday, i was surprised to see one of the less active member coming to church, the past month we called him every single week and he finally came, i was so happy.
oh yeah, last sunday was our branch conference, the distict leaderships were here too.
We went with the assistants on friday night to visit scott and his family, we've had dinner with them and went and visit their new house, i thought i was in, you know the ceo's houses in the korean movies, they have a super nice house, but he is so humble. I've probably did not tell you his conversion story but he came to the missionnaries, wow he i so great!!!
Well i dont have a lot of time left, i love you all, ignat everyone, mahalkita (tagalog).
Track 5- Hong Kong- HK Island - My mission has truly blessed me... 大家好!最近怎样?我希望每一个人都好。
Mom told me that she is trying to read the book of mormon in mandarin, wow so smart!! haha !!
So the past week was pretty hard, no one to schedule, our investiagators are all gone until this week. most of the people here are off since last week thursday until this week wednesday.
We were able to meet with a potential, helen (former investigator). we also try to catch one of our less active (not really catch) but we were waiting for her to come out of her apartment to go to work and walk with her to her work place, she was super happy to see us, by the way its ''anna''the one that me and sister loo taught and baptised. she has 2 jobs now because she needs to send money for her mom in mainland who is at the hospital. she only have 3 hours of sleep everyday. we tried to give her a treat but she did not accept because she did not have anything to give to us back.
Last friday it was our ''zone conference'' with the kowloon west zone. all the training was focusing on our ''savior, jesus christ''. president talked about ''the atonement of jesus chirst'' during his training i could not stop my tears. my mission truly helped me develop my testimony about the atonement of jesus christ, i am also more sensitive to the spirit .
My mission has truly blessed me, it helped me realized a lot of things and develop a greater understanding of the gospel doctrines. it has also taught me about the power of faith and prayer and that they work together, there is so many things that i will not be able to share, probably when i come back i can share more.
So today's news is that i am having my second ''baby''. saturday night we received our transfer calls. i am going to train a new mandarin sister, and so i am staying in hongkong island until the end of my mission. sister anderson is moving to tolo harbour with sister allred (batchmate). kowloon district doesn't change!
- Its so funy because everyone was telling me that i will be the one to train her but i did not want to do it but on friday i saw her name on a paper and i had a feeling that i will be the one training but at that time i did not accept it but then on saturday i wanted to take a nap during dinner time and i could not sleep because i suddently had a feeling so i was stressed until the district leader called and confirmed my feelings.
This week it was also sister rodriguez birthday on the 16th. i bought the cake and sister andereson the top!
Dont have lot of time left but hope you will enjoy. i love you all have a great week!
We were able to meet with a potential, helen (former investigator). we also try to catch one of our less active (not really catch) but we were waiting for her to come out of her apartment to go to work and walk with her to her work place, she was super happy to see us, by the way its ''anna''the one that me and sister loo taught and baptised. she has 2 jobs now because she needs to send money for her mom in mainland who is at the hospital. she only have 3 hours of sleep everyday. we tried to give her a treat but she did not accept because she did not have anything to give to us back.
Last friday it was our ''zone conference'' with the kowloon west zone. all the training was focusing on our ''savior, jesus christ''. president talked about ''the atonement of jesus chirst'' during his training i could not stop my tears. my mission truly helped me develop my testimony about the atonement of jesus christ, i am also more sensitive to the spirit .
My mission has truly blessed me, it helped me realized a lot of things and develop a greater understanding of the gospel doctrines. it has also taught me about the power of faith and prayer and that they work together, there is so many things that i will not be able to share, probably when i come back i can share more.
So today's news is that i am having my second ''baby''. saturday night we received our transfer calls. i am going to train a new mandarin sister, and so i am staying in hongkong island until the end of my mission. sister anderson is moving to tolo harbour with sister allred (batchmate). kowloon district doesn't change!
- Its so funy because everyone was telling me that i will be the one to train her but i did not want to do it but on friday i saw her name on a paper and i had a feeling that i will be the one training but at that time i did not accept it but then on saturday i wanted to take a nap during dinner time and i could not sleep because i suddently had a feeling so i was stressed until the district leader called and confirmed my feelings.
This week it was also sister rodriguez birthday on the 16th. i bought the cake and sister andereson the top!
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Track 4 - Hong Kong - HK Island - 400 Baptisms for 2018, we can do it!!!
Hello family and friends!
Salut la famille et les amis(e)!
how are you all doing ?
Comment allez vous?
here i am doing super great we were blessed by heavenly father after exercising a lot of faith, waiting patiently and faithfuly.
Pour ma part, je vais super bien à Hong Kong, nous avons été bénies par notre Père Céleste avec beaucoup de Foi de notre part et avoir attendu patiemment en ayant la Foi.
the past week, i had my interview with president lam we mostly talked about the work comparing the numbers of baptism since 10 years ago and talking about the 2018 baptism goal for our mission and exercising faith to achieve it as a mission.
La semaine passée, j'ai eu mon entrevue avec Pdt Lam et nous avons essentiellement parlé du travail missionnaire en comparant les nombre des Baptêmes, 10 ans auparavant et l'objectif 2018 que notre Mission de HongKong à pour but d'atteindre et le degré de Foi requis pour y arriver.
last friday, we had our district meeting, they told us what was discussed during the meeting with all the leaders of the mission, so our baptism goal for this year is 400 baptisms, crazy but not if we have faith!
Vendredi dernier, on a eu Réunion de District, on nous a fait part de ce que tous les dirigeants de la Mission ont débattu, et donc, pour cette année, nous avons 400 Baptêmes a effectué, ça peut paraître FOU, sauf si on a la FOI!
actually this week, we were really blessed! we just reported our numbers and this past week numbers were super good! we had 3 new investigators and 4 investigators at church.
Justement cette semaine, on a été vraiment bénies! On vient de rendre notre rapport et nos chiffres de la semaine passée étaient très bons! En effet, nous avons 3 nouvelles amies et 4 amies qui viennent à l'église.
the past transfer we struggled a lot, the past 2 weeks we had straight 0s. our entire zone is also struggling with bringing investiagtors at church but we want to focus on it for this transfer.
On a vraiment eu du mal le transfert précédent, les 2 dernières semaines, on avait Personne. Notre Zone entière a du mal à amener les amis à l'église mais tous nous nous fixer cet objectif pour ce transfert.
on saturday, we met with 2 potential investigators, a
mother and her daughter, the mom has great potential.
Samedi, on a rencontré 2 nouvelles potentielles, une mère et sa fille, ça se présente bien pour la maman.
we invited them to come to church they accepeted but in order to bring them to church it required us some sacrifices and we did not actually told them until sunday came. on sunday morning we woke up at 5:30 traveled all the way to tung chung picked them up, traveled to wan chai (they slept on the train ).
On les a invité à venir à la Chapelle et elles ont accepté mais pour cela on a du faire des sacrifices et elles n'en savaient rien jusqu'à dimanche. Dimanche matin, on s'est levée à 5:30 et on a voyage en train jusqu'à Tung Chung pour les prendre et venir sur Wan Chai (elles ont dormi dans le train)
at church, the members were such angels we had to take care of 4 investigators, we were busy but the members did a great job talking to them or asking their numbers to keep in touch.
A la Chapelle, les membres étaient de véritables anges, nous devions nous occuper de 4 amies, on était débordée mais les membres ont fait du très bon travail en leur parlant ou en demandant leurs coordonnées pour continuer le suivit.
one of our investigators is 14 so she needed to attend the young women but its in english only , she did not want to go. i did not know what to do but then i received a thought telling me to text one of the young women who is a great friend of mine. i sent the text and 2 mins after she was here, we went with her and our invetigator in the class we stayed a little bit then went back to the relief society class with the rest of them and at the end the young women brought her back.
L'une de nos amies de l'église à 14 ans et elle devait donc aller chez les Jeunes Filles mais c'était en anglais et elle n'a donc pas voulu y aller. Je ne savais pas comment faire et j'ai eu une pensée, j'ai envoyé un texte à une JF qui est une bonne amie. Je lui ai envoyé le message, 2 minutes plus tard, elle était là. On est allé ensemble chez les JF, on est resté un peu puis avec ma compagne on est allée à la Société de Secours rejoindre nos autres amies de l'église. A la fin des classes la JF à ramène notre amie.
this week, as a district we ate ''ballut'' (growing chicken in egg', its pretty gross! )
Cette semaine, avec notre district, on a mangé des "ballut" (un poussin qui grandit dans l'oeuf, c'est...beurk!!!)
i dont have a lot of time left but hope you will all enjoy last week adevnture!
Je n'ai pas le temps pour en dire plus, en espérant que vous allez apprécier ces quelques aventures de la semaine passée!
a big thought to my friends in Taiwan, my mom told me...
J'ai une grande pensée pour mes amis(e) à Taïwan, ma maman m'a dit....
love you all!
Je vous aime tous!
sister colombel.
Monday, February 12, 2018
Track 3 - Hong Kong - HK Island - God Be With You Till We Meet Again Papa Frischknecht !
Hello family and friends!
Salut la famille et les amis(e)!
We had a great week mostly because of temple day and our visitor.
Nous avons eu une excellente semaine, particulièrement grâce au Temple et à notre visiteur.
I am dying with the cold here my companion is kind of making fun of me because its not as cold as it is in utah but well if you are from tahiti, you can relate!
Je crève de froid et ma compagne se moque un peu de moi parce qu'il ne fait pas aussi froid qu'à Utah, mais bon, ceux de TAHITI peuvent me comprendre!
Wednesday was our temple day, we went for the 11:00am session, our session was in cambodian because members and couple missionaries from cambodia were with us. i felt so much love from my heavenly father, i felt like i was litteraly in his presence.
Mercredi, on a eu Temple, on a ete a la session de 11h, en Cambodgien parce que les membres et les couples missionnaires presents etaient du Cambodge. J'ai ressenti tellement d'amour de la part de mon Pere Celeste, j'avais l'impression d'etre veritablement en sa presence.
After temple, we were traveling home (train) when my companion handed me the phone. it was a nice member who was announcing me the death of tyson's dad, of course i cried and my companion asked me if i was okay and i was okay! some people were looking at me because i had tears in my eyes there was one lady, she could not stop looking at me but then before we needed to change train i saw her with tears in her eyes, i looked at her and asked her how she was feeling, she said she was okay, smiled at me and got out of the train. you probably think that nothing big happened but at that moment she helped me feel better and i probably did the same for her. i don't know the reason why she cried neither why after that i felt better.
Apres le Temple, nous avons pris le train pour rentrer et ma compagne m'a donne le telephone. C'etait une membre tres gentille qui m'annoncait que le papa de Tyson venait de deceder, j'ai bien sur pleure et ma compagne m'a demande si j'allais bien et je lui ai dit que ca allait. Quelques personnes dans le train me regardaient parce que je pleurais, l'une d'entre elle n'arretait pas de me regarder et juste avant de changer de train, j'ai vu que elle aussi avait les larmes aux yeux, je l'ai regarde et lui ai demande si ca allait, elle m'a repondu que oui, m'a souri et nous sommes sorties du train. Vous vous direz peut etre qu'il n'y avait la rien de special mais a ce moment la, elle m'a aide a me sentir mieux et peut etre que c'etait reciproque. Je ne sais pas pourquoi elle a pleure pas plus que je ne sais pourquoi apres je me suis sentie mieux.
On friday, we were with brother zou, he came down with his wife (member for a quite long time). we taught him all the lessons (he already knew a lot ). we had some stuffs that did not go the way we planned but he was able to get baptize that night around 8:00, elder rostedt and paul were the supporting crew, so elder rostedt baptized him and elder paul confirmed. tao dixiong was here to help too.
Vendredi, nous etions avec Fr Zou, il est venu avec sa femme (elle, membre depuis un certain moment deja). On lui a enseigne toutes les lecons (ils savaient deja beaucoup de choses). Beaucoup de choses ne se sont pas passees comme prevu mais il a pu se faire baptiser cette nuit la aux environs de 20h, elder Rostedt et elder Paul etait l'equipe de choc pour nous aider, le baptiseur elder Rostedt et elder Paul pour la confirmation. Fr Tao etait la aussi pour nous aider.
Sorry today i am pretty short on time. i love you all, have a great week!
Desolee un peu a la bourre aujourd'hui. Je vous aime, passez une bonne semaine!
Sister colombel.
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