Monday, July 31, 2017

Hong Kong - Hong Kong Island - Track 9 - My halfway Mark !!

English :



Hello everyone ! thank you all for sending me some words of encouragement.
so today i have a news: i am going to transfer to kowloon again with a new companion, sister grover. i am going back to kowloon !!

this morning we went hiking at yau tong at the devil's peak. and after email we will go eat somewhere nice to celebrate my ''halfway mark''!

i don't have a lot of time today so i will be kind of brief. this week was a good week still hard some days especially because most of our investigators are out of town, and also our members. finding was not that successful. 

yesterday, every church services were cancelled because we were on typhoon level 8 alert from 7:00 in the morning until 2:30 in the afternoon. so in the morning we had time to do all our studies and in the afternoon we went sing finding with other missionaries because most of us did not have any plans.

it was super weird for us not to be able to partake of the sacrament. sing finding was a lot of fun, even though a lot of people ignored us while trying to give them some flyers, i was happy because i was singing as i was bearing testimony, i sung with all my heart. and even though people did not stop i knew that heavenly father was proud of us and the holy spirit confirmed to me that what i was doing was the lord's work and we are the lord's missionaries. 

wow i am so proud to be the lord's missionary, i love him, heavenly father 天父. 我愛耶穌基督。 

on tuesday we went to mui wo to visit a member, wang jin 姐妹. we ate together but then she had to leave because she had class, it was not planned.

so we decided to stay and try to go finding but it rained really hard and found no one outside. so we decided to go home. 

we had our temple day on thursday. once again i was instructed by heavenly father as i was studying the scriptures in the temple. i really love the temple! ️ after we went to ma on shan to see the dentist for me (no details). 

on saturday i was on exchange with sister grover in kowloon, we went to english class, i helped charlotte learn english. then we taught her with her aunt's help, she is a member from ngau tau kok ward. 

before we exchanged back, we met with susie she is from guan dong, she is in an exchange at the baptist university, going back to gang dong and will come back again. last Sunday she walked in the church and had a short lesson with the sisters. she is really smart and nice.

okay that was a resume of my week. 我愛你們。


Hong Kong - Hong Kong Island - Track 8 - Miracles always happen...



( i am not even sure if it's right!)

Anyway how is everyone doing? personally i am doing great. i know that some of you worried because it seems that i've lost weight. i think you are right because our investigators said the same thing. don't worry its not because i am not eating like i am supposed to( i hope so) but these days it's hot and we are walking in the hot or going out finding a lot because we don't have a lot of people to teach.

today is not pday, we are just doing emails and grocery shopping. on thursday, it's our temple day in the morning at 9:00am. i am so excited. i love to go to the temple. time for more revelations and beautiful spiritual experiences. i am already preparing myself!

this morning we were invited to eat dim sum with one of the wan chain chapel security guard, he is a member from one of the new territories ward, ''yun long''. me, my companion with sister arago and sister bautista.
so this week, we focused on finding new investigators so we went finding a lot, it was not successful everyday of course but miracles always happen.

so on tuesday night we went and tried to find in tamar park. it's usually hard for us to find there because most of the people are tourists, couples ect. but we were walking trying to stop some people and we talked to fiby from shanghai who is in hong kong with her mother, they were attending a conference. for 20 minutes we did not find anyone but we stopped to take the picture ( see pictures of the building with the light: i love mom and dad) and we saw a lady sitting on a bench and we said hello to her. she smiled at us and talked to us, she was so friendly, she invited us to sit by her, and we talked about life and other things. at the end we invited her to come to english class and sacrament meeting, she came to english class and sacrament and zhao jie mei took care of her, so she stayed the whole 3 hours we are going to have dinner with her this week.

this week we had the opportunity to teach someone from mainland but i cannot give any informations about her. but she is so nice, she will come back in august hopefully to get baptised if everything in mainland is okay. so please pray for her. she will also come back with a present for me and sister loo.

i don't have a lot of time to share any spiritual thoughts. but just want to encourage everyone to help the missionaries just think about me who is struggling. have a great week everyone. i love you all.


Français :

大家好!這個星期怎麼樣?( j'espere que c'est juste!)

pas grave comment allez-vous? pour ma part, je vais tres bien.

Certains s'inquietent peut etre et trouvent que j'ai perdu du poids!

Je pense que vous devez avoir raison parce que meme nos amies de l'Eglise le disent.

Ne vous inquietez pas ce n'est pas du au fait que je ne mange pas comme je devrais (enfin j'espere!) Mais ces temps-ci, il fait chaud et on marche sous cette chaleur et nous devons beaucoup sortir pour trouver des personnes parce que nous n'avons pas grand monde a enseigner.

Aujourd'hui Lundi 24, ce n'est pas notre p-day, on fait juste nos emails et nos courses. Jeudi 27, nous allons au Temple le matin a 9h. J'ai hate!!! J'aime aller au Temple. C'est un moment pour faire place a davantage de Revelations et a de magnifiques experiences spirituelles. Donc, ma preparation a deja debute!

Ce matin, nous avons ete invitees ma compagne, Sr Arago, Sr Bautista et moi-meme a manger "dim sum" par l'un des securites du Batiment de Wan Chai, il est membre d'une des paroisses du Pieu de "New Territories", paroisse "Yun Long".

Cette semaine, nous nous sommes donc concentrees sur la recherche de nouveaux amis de l'Eglise donc, nous avons fait beaucoup de Findings... bien sur ce ne fut pas avec succes tous les jours mais heureusement que les miracles existent toujours.
Alors mardi soir, on a parcouru le Parc de Tamar, habituellement c'est quasiment rare de trouver des personnes la parce que pour la plupart ce sont des touristes, des couples.... mais nous sommes tombees sur Fiby de Shangai qui se trouve a Hong Kong avec sa mere pour assister a une Conference.

Pendant ~20 minutes, on continuait a marcher et c'est la que nous nous sommes arretees pour prendre le "I love mom and dad" en photo, et nous avons vu une femme assise sur un banc et lui avons dit Bonjour.

Elle nous a sourit et nous a parle. Elle etait tellement amicale, elle nous a invite a nous asseoire a cote d'elle et nous avons parle de la vie et d'autres choses...a la fin, nous l'avons invité a venir au Cours d'anglais et a la reunion de Sainte Cene. Elle est venue au cours d'anglais et en Sainte Cene et Zhao Jm s'est occupée d'elle, elle est meme restée les 3 heures. Nous dinnerons avec elle cette semaine.

Cette semaine, nous avons eu l'occasion d'enseigner quelqu'un du Continent mais je ne peux pas vous en dire plus. Mais, elle est super, elle revient normalement en Aout pour se faire baptiser si tout se passe bien en Chine. Priez pour elle, s'il vous plait! Elle a dit qu'elle reviendra avec un cadeau pour Sr Loo et moi meme.

Je n'ai pas beaucoup de temps pour partager une pensee spirituelle mais je voudrais juste vous inviter chacun de vous à aider vos Missionnaires, pensez simplement à moi qui a beacoup de mal...

Je vous souhaite a tous une excellente semaine.

Je vous aime tous.


Hong Kong - Hong Kong Island - Track 7 - I'm so grateful to have new eternal friends !!

English :



I can write in chinese today because the keyboard have the pinyin option.-

anyway, we had a really great week.

last week for pday after emailing we met with christelle and aline from tahiti. they invited us to eat at ''outback steakhouse'', we ate steaks so expensive for us. both of them had tbones (500hk$) and we had one of the cheapest.

so crazy these tahitians!!! hahaha.

sister loo thought that they will share the steak but when i told her that they are going to have one each, she had big eyes.
we spent a really great time together, she shared with us a lot of funny stuffs. (a la victoire )

this week i also went on exchange with sister woo on thursday. we stayed in hong kong island. we were supposed to meet with a potential investigator that should become a new investigator, she was a self-refferal but she never showed up and blocked us on her phone, so we couln't contact her. anti is a thing here! but we had time to go finding and we met 2 persons for the cantonese elders and sisters, no mandarin.

on saturday we had the 2 branches combined activities in kowloon tong. it was great but they only had basketball games and the kids were watching disney movies and we couldn't so we just stayed by marlo.

at 2:00, we picked up anna and brought her to church for her baptismal interview, she talked with the members and she passed her baptismal interview.

on sunday, we taught the gospel principle class during the 2nd hour, anna attended with us the 3rd hour eventhough she was tired.

the members really took good care of her, they helped her during the classes.

finally at 12:30 we started her baptism, we sung for her ''savior redeemer of my soul''.

while we were walking to the baptismal font marlo and the relief society president were with us and then marlo announced ''i will get baptised on 08/08!'' she was so sure about it! our relief society president was surprised and really happy and so were we.

so everything went well.

at the end we gave her a bouquet, i gave her a lei and i told her it was from tahiti, the members were like ''wow, so pretty!'' and anna was almost crying, she hugged both me and sister loo. i will never forget this moment, she hugged us and thanked us.

i think one of our member took a picture of us. she thanked us and the members a lot.

i am so grateful for this blessing i have to witness so many miracles, to have new eternal friends, to love them, to walk with the savior and heavenly father's children. it reminds of the song '' i will find you my friend''.



Saturday, July 8, 2017

Hong Kong- Hong Kong Island - Track 6 - Xia Jm Baptism


Hello Family and Friends! This week was hard and unsuccessful for us. sister loo started to get sick last weekend, and when she got better it was my turn. I think it is because its hot and humid and then it rains and get colder. and then after sister loo had a stiff neck it got worse yesterday, so during the 3rd hour we had to go and see a chinese doctor but it did not work, she just suffered a lot. but surprisingly this morning after she slept by covering her neck with an electric blanket it stopped hurting. also the past week we only met with 2 of our investigators, we went finding 3 times this week in the hot summer plus being sick without any success. such a hard week. but despite all these things we are still positive and confident that next week will be better. we hope that next week will be the best week of our mission...

Besides all the bad things that happened the past week: we had the great blessing to teach and attend xia jm baptism on thursday. so the whole day we taught her the 5 lessons then at 7:00pm she got baptized and confirmed. as she was sharing her testimony she got emotional and shared with us how happy she is. when i gave her ''collier de coquillage'' she was touched and said ''i don't have anything for you!''

On friday, after we taught anna who's baptism is next sunday july 9th, we had a relief society activity, two of our investigators came and sister li taught us how to make japchae a korean recipe. we were playing with the kids and marlo our investigator (table tennis video) she is so funny, i love her, she always bring us food and she is an eternal-investigator but it seems like she is a member already she has always took good care of the members or even our investigators better than all of us. we then ate together what they made and some dumplings. we had a good time.

On Sunday we went to church and sister zhao bore her testimony for the first time. of course she talked about elder woolley, she is still contacting him and said that she has always been impressed by him even now that he is done with his mission he stills find opportunities to find people with whom he can share the gospel. and she was called as our branch missionary. after we taught the gospel principle class. at the 3rd hour we went see a doctor. at the end of the day, the philipinno sisters called us they needed our help to teach one of their investigators. so we went and taught, annabel from the philippines about the restoration with the help of her friend who referred her to the sister missionaries.

That was our past week, hope hat everyone had a better week than us.pray for us to find and prepare people for this week. pray for Anna she will get baptized this coming sunday.


Français :

Salut Famille et amis,
Cette semaine a ete difficile et infructueuse.
Sr Loo a commence a tomber malade le week end dernier et quand elle a commence a aller mieux, ce fut mon tour. Je crois que c'est parce qu'il fait chaud et humide et ensuite il pleut et il fait froid.
En plus apres, Sr Loo a eu une espece de Torticolli et ca c'est empire hier, donc lors de la 3 eme heure (dimanche), nous avons du aller voir un docteur chinois mais ca n'a rien change et elle souffrait beaucoup.
Mais Surprise! Apres avoir passe une nuit en enveloppant une couverture electrique chauffante autour de son cou, la douleur a disparue.
De plus, la semaine derniere, nous avons pu voir que deux de nos investigateurs et les 3 fois ou nous sommes allees en "finding" sous cette chaleur estivale avec en prime la maladie, nous n'avons eu aucun succes. Quelle semaine difficile!!!
Mais, en depit de tout cela, nous restons positive et confiante que cette semaine sera bien meilleure.
Cette semaine sera la meilleure de notre mission...

Mis a part ca, nous avons eu la grande benediction la semaine derniere d' enseigner et d'assister au Bapteme de Xia Jm jeudi.
Nous lui avons donc enseigne les 5 lecons et a 19h son Bapteme a eu lieu et le Don du Saint-Esprit lui a ete confere.
Au moment de rendre son Temoignage, elle etait tres emue et nous a partage a quel point elle etait heureuse.
Elle a aussi etait tres touchee lorsque je lui ai offert un collier de coquillage et m'a dit: "je n'ai rien a t'offrir...."

Vendredi, apres notre lecon avec Anna qui va se faire baptiser dimanche, le 9 juillet, nous avons eu une activite SDS et deux de nos amies de l'Eglise sont venues. Sr Li, nous a appris a faire du Japchae, une recette Coreene.
Nous avons joue avec les enfants et avec Marlo notre amie de l'eglise (ping pong), elle est trop marrante, je l'aime carrement, elle nous apporte souvent a manger, c'est une amie de l'eglise eternelle mais on croirait qu'elle est membre, elle prend toujours soin des membres et meme des amies bien mieux que nous membres de l'eglise.
Apres, on a mange tous ensemble...
Nous avons vraiment passe un bon moment.

A la chapelle dimanche dernier, Sr Zhao a rendu son temoignage pour la premiere fois.
Elle n'a pas pu s'empeche de parler d'Elder Woolley, elle est toujours en contact avec lui, elle a partage l'influence qu'il a eu dans sa vie et meme maintenant qu'il a finit sa mission, il trouve toujours des occasions pour trouver des personnes avec qui partager l'Evangile.
Elle a ete appele comme missionnaire de branche.
Et a la troisieme heure, nous avons finit chez le Docteur.
A la fin de journee, les Sr Philippinos nous ont appele pour qu'on aille les aider a enseigner une de leur investigatrice.
Nous sommes donc allees enseigner Annabel des Philippines sur le Retablissement, son amie qui a donne cette reference aux Sr etait aussi la pour nous aider.

Voila alors notre semaine passee, en esperant que la votre aura ete meilleure.
Priez pour nous afin que nous puissions trouver des personnes a enseigner cette semaine.
Priez aussi pour Anna pour son bapteme qui aura lieu ce dimanche (le 09).